Hello and welcome to Swift | Silent | Deadly, a blog by me, Justin Fields. I’m a former Marine Corps Special Operator, government contractor, professional trainer, and current paramedic. I’m on a mission to help others become more capable, competent human beings by sharing the lessons learned from a lifetime of adventure. Read more about me.
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My Single-Shot Survival Shotgun Project
I have long been intrigued with the concept of survival guns. There’s just something about the concept, like the ultimate survival handgun I wrote about several years ago. One recurring survival gun I see pop up from time to time is the single shot survival shotgun. After being fascinated by them for a long time I decided to make one.
2024 Year in Review: A Heavy-Duty Training Year!
At the end of most years, I try to post a year in review (2020, 2021, 2023). This year saw me attend a LOT of training, even thought I missed two of the classes I intended to take. Let’s take a look at what I accomplished in 2024, from training and personal development standpoints. Here is my 2024 year in review!
A Well-Rounded Training Resume
The spirit of this blog is to celebrate being good at wide range of skills rather than being excellent at a single skill. This is exemplified in my About The Name page, where I talk about the origins of “swift, silent, deadly,” and being a Jack of all Trades. I’ve also mentioned it in articles like my article called “Embrace The Coyote” from a few years ago. Today I’m going to cover similar ground, but through the lens of developing a well-rounded training resume.
NPE Carry: Crossbreed Pocket Rocket Holster Review
Welcome back to our NPE carry holsters. Over the past several months I have worked with several Non-Permissive Environment carry holsters. This article is our Crossbreed Pocket Rocket pocket holster review. Let’s dig in.
S&W Bodyguard 2.0 Review: A Bit of a Disappointment
The S&W Bodyguard 2.0 is one of the hottest new pistols out there. It represents something entirely new in the world of deep-concealment, hideout, non-permissive environment carry. This pistol didn’t quite live up to the hype for me. Read the article below, or watch video for the full review.
Physical Fitness Goal: Cooper Law Enforcement Standards
I love quantifiable goals, metrics, and standards. Shooting tests – like the Wilson 5×5 Skills Test – really appeal to me because of clear ranking system. As a cadet at a local police academy I was introduced to an interesting physical fitness test. The Cooper Law Enforcement Standards measures several aspects of physical ability, and puts you into a percentile based on your age bracket. If you need a physical fitness goal and have no idea where to start, check out the Cooper Standard for Law Enforcement Physical Assessment, explained below.
Concealed Carriers: 5 Ways You Should Be Like the Police!
Two weeks ago I listed ways in which concealed carriers should avoid emulating law enforcement. Not everything cops do is bad, however. Law enforcement as a whole does some things that are worthy of emulation by concealed carriers. There are some ways you should strive to be like the police, despite the things I said a couple weeks ago. Here are a few ways to try to be like the police.